abril 02, 2009


> Otra vez yo por última vez: en breve, lo que le molesta a muchos de
> los de Ventura es el "corto circuito" que causa ver la svástica junto
> a la M de McDonald's y el signo de dólar. Esto es lo que escandaliza.
> Bueno, pues resulta que esta estrategia de choque o corto circuito es
> intencional, y es responsabilidad del intérprete entender la ironía y
> problematizar sus propias reacciones, tanto intelectuales como
> emocionales.

> Les copio dos fragmentos de un artículo que escribí en el 2002.

> According to Jameson, postmodern culture is “global, yet American”,
> and it is “the internal and superstructural expression of a whole new
> wave of American military and economic domination throughout the
> world: in this sense, as throughout class history, the underside of
> culture is blood, torture, death and terror” (Jameson 1991:5).
> American capitalism is, then the particular field of production and
> distribution of postmodernism. The erasure of national frontiers
> through globalisation has the face of the franchise (McDonald’s yellow
> icon in every village of the planet). Popular culture, then, stops
> meaning local folklore, the signified is “abolished” (Baudrillard
> 1990:90) and substituted by a form of American culture that wears the
> mask of globalisation. Americanisation will be the buzz word.

> ---

> Postmodernism is preoccupied with a critique of the oppositional
> mechanisms that constitute both the western philosophical tradition
> and literary modernism. Dualisms (such as good/bad, where the first
> term stands in hierarchical superiority to the second) are the orders
> of subordination that postmodernist thought and creation want to
> intervene. It is the problematic of oppositions that will lead
> theoretical approaches to this cultural phenomenon: David Lodge
> (1977:220-245) finds five strategies of the postmodern: contradiction,
> discontinuity, randomness, excess and short circuit. Ihab Hassan
> (1982:54-58) says postmodernism extends and modifies modernist rubrics
> such as urbanism, technologism, dehumanisation, primitivism,
> eroticism, antinomianism and experimentalism. Peter Wollen
> (1982:79-91) adds that postmodernism is marked by conflicting the
> oppositions of narrative transitivity and intransitivity,
> identification and foregrounding, single and multiple diegesis,
> closure and aperture, pleasure and unpleasure, fiction and reality.
> Similarly, Dominic Strinati (1995:223-245) attempts to identify
> postmodernism using the term “breakdown”, referring to the increasing
> domination of the media and popular signs over our sense of reality.

> ---
> No creo estar loco si pienso que esto sirve para describir también lo
> que pasa con lo de Ventura. Por eso bostezo cuando leo a la Bokser
> escandalirzarse...

> Un saludo y perdón por el spam. Es que a falta de seminario...

> Publicado por Ernesto Priego para escrituraleatoria a las 26/03/09 11:17

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